Muscle tissue of a person consists mainly of protein molecules, therefore, with intensive physical exercises for muscle growth, you need to increase the intake of nutrient from food or using special additives. Athletes and bodybuilders add eggs, fish, dairy and meat products to food, and when this is not enough, you have to take protein, a sports supplement in the form of a powder.
Sports supplements
Fitness trainers recommend and taking protein for muscle gain and active weight loss. Correct and timely intake of protein improves strength and endurance, accelerates muscle building and recovery after exercise. Before taking the drug whey protein (protein), you need to read the instructions and choose:
- consumption regimen – there are rules at what time of day to take the supplement optimally for a given level of physical activity;
- brand and type of product;
- dosage
- course of admission.
There are also nuances in which form and when it is better to drink protein – before or after training.
What is protein?

Proteins or proteins are called organic substances consisting of 20 amino acids in various combinations. In the human body, all protein products are broken down into constituent elements from which the necessary molecules are synthesized. Compounds consisting of two amino acids are called a dipeptide, of three – a tripeptide, more than 10 – a polypeptide.
Types of Amino Acids
Amino acids are divided into:
- interchangeable – are synthesized by the body independently in sufficient quantities;
- conditionally irreplaceable – synthesis in the body is limited by age or the state of human health;
- irreplaceable – are not synthesized by the body and must come from food.
A balanced diet includes protein products with a full amino acid composition. Sports nutrition products contain a sufficient amount of essential amino acids to build muscle.
Assimilation rate
Protein supplements are characterized by different rates of absorption and are divided into:
- slow – the absorption rate from 8 to 12 hours, caseins are referred to them;
- medium – absorbed in 6 hours, these are soy preparations;
- fast – are included in the exchange 40-60 minutes after consumption, consist of whey, egg, meat proteins.

Fast drugs are taken after sleep and active loads to prevent protein breakdown. Slow supplements are drunk at night and before workouts to preserve muscle fibers. For a sufficient supply of amino acids into the muscles, combinations of fast and slow drugs are used.
Types of Proteins
Proteins are made from natural raw materials, have various functions and advantages:
- Serum – obtained by the method of purification of whey; fast-digesting proteins with a rich amino acid composition are used to actively increase muscle mass in the morning after waking up and after training.
- Casein? – is prepared using enzymatic curdling of milk, a slow protein product consisting of casein proteins is split for a long time and supplies the body with amino acids; used at night and before training. For gaining muscle mass it is recommended to take with fast proteins.
- Soy – of vegetable origin, it is permissible for use by vegans, but has low muscle gain. In most cases, it is added to fast proteins to reduce the cost of the product.
- Complex – consist of a composition of fast and slow proteins, for example, whey and casein, to achieve the full amino acid content.
Types of Whey Protein

Whey protein is divided into:
- concentrates – undergo gentle cleaning, contain additional nutrients, protein up to 89%, carbohydrates up to 52% and fats up to 9%, are taken for muscle building;
- isolates – obtained using the highest degree of processing, 95% consist of pure protein, are used during drying;
- hydrolysates – drugs with the highest absorption and anabolic effect (muscle building rate), contain 90% protein, 10% lactose, fat, not more than 8%.
Whey protein for weight gain can be drunk several times a day, in the morning and after training, this contributes to the burning of fat and the synthesis of protein in muscle cells. Casein slow drugs are used at night and before class to increase endurance. A protein shake of various types of proteins should be drunk all day.
Why protein is needed
Protein supplementation is of great importance in bodybuilding, when building a strong body with relief muscles and weight loss. During intense training, the need for energy, nutrients, vitamins, minerals and water increases. Proteins perform the most important functions for building muscle volume:
- serve as a building material for cells;
- make up for energy costs.

Protein works inside muscle fibers, preventing the breakdown of protein molecules and providing a complete amino acid composition for the synthesis of new substances. Trainers recommend the use of sports nutrition under heavy loads and to achieve the maximum effect from training, since the assimilation of protein in processed form is faster and easier than from food. In addition, pets, poultry, eggs and fish grown industrially do not contain the required amount of nutrients.
For muscle growth
To gain muscle mass, protein intake is as important a part of the program as well-designed training: increased training without sufficient protein intake will lead to the depletion and destruction of muscle fibers.
The best effect for gaining muscle mass is whey protein, which is easily absorbed by the body and supplies the necessary nutrients. It is recommended to use a whey protein preparation before physical activity and at the beginning of the day.
For weight loss
Proper weight loss occurs when:
- calorie deficit, when the body spends more energy than it receives with food;
- adequate physical exertion.
The main requirement is to burn fat tissue and increase muscle. To reduce the calorie intake, you need to take a large number of foods rich in protein or use sports supplements. Training leads to depletion of muscle fibers, and there is a need to take additional portions of low-calorie protein. In most cases, trainers recommend to drink whey protein in the form of isolate for weight loss.
When drying
Drying in sports is a special regimen of training and nutrition to reduce the percentage of water and fat in the body, used by professional athletes to achieve a muscle shape before performances. Protein shakes in this case help burn fat, remove excess water and build muscle, increase strength and stamina.
How to take protein
The use of protein, of course, benefits people who are actively involved in sports and muscle development, losing weight or drying the body. However, if you use the wrong drug and dosage, do not take into account individual intolerance and some chronic diseases, you can harm your health.
Key recommendations
Correctly taking the protein will help the following recommendations:
- anabolic effect (active increase in muscle mass) is observed with 25-40 g of protein per serving;
- the daily dose of protein for muscle growth depends on the initial weight of the person, the level of physical activity and the daily diet;
- for weight gain, you need to drink whey protein;
- to gain muscle mass, protein should be consumed before breakfast and after exercise;
- in the process of losing weight for men and women, a quick serum preparation is used;
- Protein intake before or after training depends on the speed of absorption of the drug and the final goal – weight loss, drying, muscle building;
- a protein shake can be taken as one meal;
- slow protein should be consumed before bedtime and a couple of hours before physical activity;
- It is not recommended to drink protein directly during training, since during this period the muscles use glucose from the blood and glycogen, and later proteins from muscle cells and only after an hour after training use amino acids from the supplement;
- when combining fast and slow proteins, you should drink a protein shake according to the scheme: fast in the morning and before training, slow – at night and before training.
To gain muscle mass, it is correct to drink protein, dividing it into 4-5 servings: before breakfast, as a snack, before training and at night.
In the morning before or after meals

The time of use of a sports supplement depends on the composition of sports nutrition and the purpose of use. The daily dose of protein is divided into several portions and drugs with different absorption rates are used – fast, slow or medium, it is better to take each protein at a certain time.
Why do you need protein in the morning
At night, active metabolic processes occur, as a result of which part of the protein in the muscles is destroyed. Lack of protein in the body in the morning due to the predominance of catabolic processes. You can increase protein synthesis by taking protein in the form of food or drug.
On an empty stomach, in the morning it was recommended to take whey protein with a high absorption rate, which replenishes the supply of amino acids in the muscles extremely quickly. You can eat 40-60 minutes after taking the supplement, so that the substance gets into the blood as much as possible. The use of sports nutrition along with food slows down the processes of protein absorption, can cause discomfort in the stomach, bloating and nausea. For the same reasons, it is not recommended to use protein immediately after a meal, at least 2-3 hours should pass.
Trainers recommend for athletes to use liquid protein according to this scheme:
- in the morning it is better to drink whey hydrolyzate;
- after taking the protein, you can eat after 30 minutes.

Protein in the morning starts the synthesis of protein molecules in the muscles and helps build muscle mass. Also, protein must be taken correctly given the training time during the day.
Before training
During training, muscles actively consume energy and nutrients, in particular protein, as a result of which they are depleted and injured. Professional athletes know from their own experience that in order to get pumped muscles, you need to drink special supplements that make up for the loss of nutrients and contribute to the growth and restoration of cells. A day you need to use a dose of protein so that the synthesis processes prevail over the processes of protein breakdown in the muscles.
What protein to drink before training
Protein before training increases stamina and strength, saturates muscle cells with the necessary amount of amino acids for quick recovery. To gain muscle mass and lose weight, you need to drink protein with a high rate of assimilation – whey, meat, egg or combined. You can drink a protein shake from a combination of fast and slow proteins: fast ones will reduce the rate of catabolism, while slow ones will supply amino acids to the cells for some time after training. Method of using the preparations: dilute in accordance with the instructions and drink 30 minutes before training.
There is no great benefit and the need to drink protein during training, as this will not affect the effectiveness of the lesson, because amino acids are not used as energy and building materials during active work. On rest days, you need to take protein to restore muscle fibers.
After workout

The rules for protein intake prescribe to divide the daily dose into portions and drink in the form of cocktails in the morning, before and after training, and before bedtime. Muscle fibers should also receive protein on rest days for proper recovery.
The amount of protein that you need to drink after training depends on the weight of the athlete, activity and purpose of the classes. In most cases, it is recommended to use a third of the daily dose of protein. They try to take the protein immediately after training, but within 48 hours after exercise, the cocktail will benefit the body by preventing the depletion of muscle fibers.
Protein benefits after exercise
Fitness trainers say: after training, all athletes need to drink protein after drying, with active weight gain and weight loss. The first two hours after an intense workout is the best time to take a protein shake. This period must be used to maximize muscle protein synthesis and fiber growth. After training, it is more advisable to drink fast proteins, to increase muscle growth should use egg, whey or meat protein.
Cocktails supply amino acids throughout the day. After training, protein is needed to restore muscle and acquire relief forms, for this it is recommended to take whey protein, purified and quickly penetrating into the cells. At night, you need to use a protein with a slow degree of assimilation – casein, which will supply amino acids to the muscles for a long time after intake to gain muscle mass,
How much protein to take

The daily protein intake depends on:
- gender
- weight
- diet
- health conditions;
- age
- protein quality;
- physical activity;
- purpose of admission.
Protein norm
Standard protein standards are 1 g per 1 kg of weight. During training, men and women need increased amounts of complete protein, with essential amino acids in their composition, of plant and animal origin. A normal amount of protein per day covers energy and metabolic costs, and for muscle building – protein intake should significantly prevail over consumption.
The table of protein intake per day (in grams) per 1 kg of weight
Floor | Muscle gain | Maintaining a stable weight | Slimming |
Male | 2 | 1.2-1.5 | 2 |
Female | 1,5-2 | 1-1.3 | 1,5-2 |
Daily dose for men

The dosage of the protein is calculated using a trainer or independently according to the table. For example, for a man weighing 70 kg on a set of mass, the dose of protein per day will be 70 * 2 = 140 g, which must be taken during the day, dividing into 3-4 parts. The first portion of fast proteins is used on an empty stomach, the second is drunk before or after training, the third portion is replaced by a snack and the last is consumed at night. For men with a large sports load, it is permissible to take 2.5-3 g of protein per 1 kg of weight, that is, drink a double dose of protein per day, compared with the usual regimen.
For girls
A girl weighing 60 kg for weight loss needs to drink 60 * 2 = 120 g of protein, excluding nutrients from food. The nutrition diary will help you calculate the right dose, with the exact amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates recorded. Suppose a girl receives 30 grams of pure protein per day with food, which means that sports supplements must make up for the missing 90 grams of protein. The drug should be divided into equal portions, for a uniform supply of amino acids into the cells and must be taken 3 to 4 times a day. With active weight loss, a more frequent intake of cocktails is allowed, which they drink 6-7 times a day, replacing with supplements one of the meals and a snack.
The use of various types of proteins
Doses and method of application also depend on the type of additive:
- fast – before breakfast and before training;
- slow – at night.

The portion of proteins taken during the day should consist of quick or combination preparations, and before bedtime, with long-term absorption. It is better to take the supplement before meals or in between meals.
The optimal dose of protein for 1 time is 25-35 g of protein. The maximum amount of protein in one serving should not exceed 40-60 g, otherwise it simply will not be absorbed by the body.
During training
The schedule for taking cocktails for mass gain on days with physical activity is as follows:
- in the morning on an empty stomach;
- before and after training;
- as a snack;
- before bedtime.
Protein shakes can be consumed many times a day, from 3 and more, this does not affect the result and effectiveness. Of importance is the total amount of protein consumed per day – from food and supplements together.
On non-training days
Supplements can be drunk every day during the entire training period, as proteins are constantly destroyed, especially during exercise. On days of rest from exertion, the athlete should also drink protein, at which time muscle fibers are restored and grow. On non-training days, sports nutrition is taken as follows:

- in the morning – fast;
- in the afternoon – with a complex composition of fast and slow;
- at night – slow.
Experienced trainers recommend the use of sports nutrition, based on the following recommendations:
- before using drugs, you should consult your doctor, exclude allergies and individual intolerance to the components ;
- with sufficient intake of protein with food, supplements should not be used, proper nutrition saturates the body with protein in the required amount;
- it is better to drink freshly prepared cocktails, since in the liquid form of the molecule the active substance begins to break down;
- protein supplements are recommended to be taken before meals;
- eating foods rich in protein, shortly before training, there is no need to take a supplement.
What is the best way to take and train
To increase the effectiveness of training with proteins can be as follows:
- for high results after intense training, drink cocktails with a high absorption rate
- fast proteins are better to drink in the morning and before classes;
- before and at the end of the workout, you need to drink egg or whey protein;
- for a set of muscle mass, it is better to take an additive between main meals, drink cocktails as snacks;
- before training, you need to drink protein to increase strength and endurance 30-40 minutes before class;
- whey proteins begin to be absorbed 30 minutes after ingestion and are taken to quickly supply amino acids to the muscles after intense workouts;
- after training, supplements are drunk for two hours to restore and grow muscle;
- those who take whey protein saturate the body with a lot of protein and a minimum percentage of fat and lactose.
The nuances of drinking cocktails

Protein preparations have a number of features:
- the dosage regimen is selected individually, depending on the training cycle, the type of protein and the purpose of the training;
- in the training cycle, you need to drink fast and slow proteins;
- sports nutrition should be taken on rest days to replenish the supply of nutrients;
- on rest days, protein should be drunk 3 times a day;
- proteins can be taken for a long time, until the desired result is achieved;
- there is no difference how many times a day there are proteins, only the total amount matters;
- For quick recovery, it is recommended to mix protein with a gainer (protein-carbohydrate mixture).
High efficiency exercises, increased stamina and strength, increased muscle mass can be obtained by observing the training regimen and consuming the required amount of protein. Protein in training supplies the muscles with the necessary substances for the synthesis of protein molecules, so it is necessary to increase muscle mass in preparation for competitions, drying and losing weight. To do this, develop a scheme how many times a day you need to drink cocktails and take the drug in accordance with the instructions. Sports nutrition is made from natural products, so you can drink it without harm to health for a long time, but chronic kidney disease and metabolism should be excluded.